Before creating a character, have you read the character type rules as well as reading posts for two weeks(real time)? If not, please do so before beginning to create a character. It will make it easier on you and the Character Admins if you go into the process with some idea of what is expected.
The following rules must be adhered to as you create the next denizen of Sanctuary, Maine:
1. We have guidelines for character types. Your character has to fit those guidelines. No vampires eating a full course dinner and not suffering for it...which is usually immediate! This is not science fiction, so you won't see aliens, spaceships, rayguns...etc..
2.. No Crossovers! They can't come from books, movies, TV shows, RPGs such as White Wolf. They must be original characters. And thinly veiled copies will be noticed. No Angel/Buffy rip offs, no Vampirellas. There are copyright issues tied to such and besides, they probably wouldn't fit in with the universe according to Sanctuary.
3. We don't do all-powerful characters. Everyone must have some kind of weakness. And this must be listed in the bio. You may see God or some version of a deity do a walk in for a plot, but they don't stick around.
4. There are different deities and religious beliefs here. They have been given equal footing. Your character can follow any or none, be religiously tolerant or believe he/she follows the true religion.
5. Characters that are Fey should be based in folk lore or myth and legends. Magic-users such as witches, mages, etc, should practice some form of magic as described in the Mage/Witch rules. Research. There are also experts on the list that you can refer to for information.
5. For vampires and old characters, research your history. The Character Admins will review your historical references. Don't be a revisionist. Use an encyclopedia, your library. Check the web, but do be careful of false information on the 'net.
6. Don't clone characters already on the list. Read the bios of the type you want to create. The original writer of a close to cloned character will be contacted and shown your bio. They will have the deciding vote and can request you make changes. This rarely happens if you do your homework first. An example for this is Maghnus and Rhagnall. Both are high court Fey and beautiful. They both have glamourie. But Maghnus writes. Rhagnall works silver. And these particular two have different personalities as well. But if you wrote Rhagnall as also writing, then you start to cross into similarities/clones.
7.Okay, you have an idea for a character, you've read the bios, the rules, now what?
This process may change in the weeks to come, but for now, work with the character type admins. (You want a vampire character, speak to the vamp admin.) Show him/her your bio and they will give comments and suggestions. They know the rules and will ultimately advise the Character Admins as to whether your bio will fit the rules as written. Please DO NOT send the bio to the Character Admin first.
After the character type admin is satisfied he/she will tell you to send the bio to the Character Admin. We do follow a format(see below) for putting the bio up on the web. Please use it and make the webmistresses happy.
Character Admins (yes, we will have 3. CC your bio to all 3 at this time)
Major problems or minor will be addressed by the CA(s). They will send you and the character type admin a copy of their comments/suggestions. Sometimes they catch something that the character type admin missed. Not everyone is an expert in all things. Please make the changes requested or answer their questions if they ask for clarification. Don't insult them. Simply answer the question. They don't want an arguement. They aren't paid for it! (none of us are...we are volunteers voted into positions.)
Once the bio is passed, you get to move to the next step: Mentoring.
You will be assigned a mentor from the Welcome Wagon Committee. The mentor will supervise your first 2 -3posts. This can be in the form of either cowriting with you, or you write the post and send it to them for review. They will approve it or send back suggestions. Once it passes their inspection, they will send it to the list with their stamp of approval. Sometimes a writer may be mentored past the first three posts if they have trouble. This doesn't happen too often, but it has happened. Don't feel bad about it. We are all here to hone our writing skills.
8. Bio Format
WRITER: (your name)
EMAIL: (Your email addy)
AGE: (your age; over 17 is fine...if you are shy about your age)
NAME: (character's name)
NATURE: (Vampire, were, Fey, etc.)
DESCRIPTION: (Hair and eye color, height, weight, etc how
they dress is optional...please don't give pages of their wardrobe though)
PERSONALITY: (Patient, kind, snob, etc.)
ABILITIES: (Any special powers? Are they human with only
human talents?)
HISTORY: (How they became a vamp, why they came to
Sanctuary...did they always live here?)
We would also ask that you not argue or insult us. Asking questions because
you don't understand something is vastly different from arguing. We're here
to help you.
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