1. Can vampires be seen in mirrors?
Most certainly! Otherwise, wouldn't they look awful...try putting makeup on without a mirror? Or combing their hair...
There is no law of physics that I know that would NOT let them be seen in a mirror.
2. What about the old wives tale regarding garlic?
Garlic is not anathema. However, the person wearing it may cause the vampire to leave due to the odor...and the fact that the person looks ridiculous wearing a string of garlic. Vampires can be quite conscious of social gaffes.
3. Can vampires get cavities? I'm sure if they didn't brush they'd get REALLY bad breath at the least, but even with a liquid diet there's going to be some residue on the teeth...or would their healing ability take care of a cavity, which would be an infection, as it was forming?
In a word: no. They don't get cavities (visions of vamps gumming their victims to death...yech!).
4. Do they need to go to the bathroom? Wouldn't there be some part of the blood that their body doesn't use and would be excreted as a waste product?
No. They utilize the 'nourishment' they take totally. Takes a lot to maintain the undead.
5. Can their hair grow? Or are they stuck with what they had when they were changed...and that includes body hair, facial hair, all that as well as head hair.
Yes, or be slowed down or sped up...generally by older or stronger vamps. And not presto chango, ta-da! It takes at least 12 hours(over night so to speak) up to several days. We're talking inches here, not feet. If Lee shaved his head, he could grow up to three inches overnight. That's it. It would take nearly a week for him to grow it back to the same length. And he's a 650 year old Master.
6. This ties in to the hair question. How about nails growing?
Same as hair, though you don't see it growing by inches 'overnight'! About 1/4 to 1/2 inches per little death (after sun up). Maggie finds it useful for her nails...
Keep in mind for both hair and nails that if a vamp is weakened, hasn't fed, is wounded, that this process is slowed even more. And if they don't attempt to speed up the growth, it will grow at normal speeds as with humans.
6. As long as a vamp is well fed (or even reasonably fed) would their heart naturally beat? Or if a vamp wants to have a heartbeat, do they have to specifically focus on making their heart beat? And if they do, do they have to keep focusing on it? Same with breathing...do they have to focus on doing it?
They don't have to focus on it...well-fed, yes the heart can beat. They can still it too. Bit harder to jumpstart it...feeding helps. On the breathing...it's more of a focus thing for the older vamps...but since they try to blend in with the humans, they tend to practice it into habit. And they have to breath to speak. However, it's not uncommon for a vamp to go into the 'still' mode as they concentrate on something (usually memories, or trying to figure out a problem), and forget to breath. We're talking total stillness. The heart might even stop, though usually it only slows down.
7. If a vamp has a body part cut off...say, a hand...is there any way he/she might be able to regrow it? (This one I think is a no, but I wanted to ask and make sure)
Interesting question...I don't think they can regenerate a limb. Attach the severed part to it, and yes, they grow back together. Note that removing the heart or head is an effective means of killing vampires. They can't regenerate them, only repair them if repairable.
8. Vamps can drink alcohol laced with blood...has anyone ever thought of trying to lace other drinks with blood? Such as coffee or tea, for example? Or would it be the alcohol in the mix that let's it work? Then maybe coffee with brandy and blood mixed?
Since we have only established alcohol...that is all. Acohol is absorbed by the body faster than water. That may have to do with how it works...scientists haven't figured it out since no vamp wants to be a guinea pig.
9. What about other bodily fluids?(this was the least offensive way to word this one!)
Vampires can drink any bodily fluid without getting ill.
10. In this world, is there still a difference in the strength received from drinking animal blood versus human? I know that were gives a bigger kick...but I was wondering if animal would satisfy the hunger?
Animal blood is a poor substitute. Different levels of proteins, etc., from human blood. It's a last choice substitute. Some of the laced blood drinks in bars are animal. But think of it as a nutrient poor diet. Eventually the vamp will suffer. Lose strength, etc.
So ends the FAQ for now. New questions will be added as they pop up. If you can think of any, just send me an email!
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