Player: Bryan Himebaugh
Age: 25...26 on the 17th of October!
Character: Aaron Winston (Bt'arg)
Nature: Gargoyle
Character's Age: Apparent age of 18... Actually about 300 years old.
Description: 5'10", 160 lbs.... Black, wavy hair, which hangs to about mid-back. Dark brown eyes. Wears casual clothes. In gargoyle form, he looks truly demonic. Large fangs, draconic features, and large leathery wings. He stands near 7'0" tall in this form, and weighs near 300 lbs....
Personality: Aaron is a reformed man. He is trying to make better of his life. He has dwelled in bitterness for about 200 years, sulking about the curse placed upon him. Lately, he has tried to absolve himself of his wrong-doings. He has made an effort to be friendlier, gentler, and more helpful to others. He still bears the typical temper of gargoyles, though, and has killed due to rage before. He now laments this, and seldom talks about it...
Abilities: Standard for gargoyles. He has also become skilled at driving, and protecting others (bodyguard). He is a wonderful cook as well, although he doesn't let this information get out.
Weaknesses: Standard for Gargoyles... Also, unable to lie. Very protective of women, to the point of irritation.
History: Aaron Winston was a small time thief. A crude little man, who cared little for others, Aaron stole indiscriminately. He committed other crimes as well, but theft was his forte. Unfortunately, his habits caused him to become one of the cursed.
He was creeping about the manor of a sorcerer of some repute, when he was startled by a young girl who was getting a late snack. He panicked, and struck the young girl, who toppled over a railing. She fell to the floor below, and died upon impact. Shocked, Aaron looked over the railing, and failed to notice the enraged father, who came out of his room and knocked Aaron out cold.
When Aaron awoke, he found himself strapped to a table, with the sorcerer standing over him. He struggled, as the sorcerer completed the ritual upon him. Aaron felt his consciousness rise from his body, float through the air, and deposit into a statue.
From that day forward, Aaron served the sorcerer, Douglas. He was compelled by the curse to serve his master faithfully, even more so, since Douglas wove a truth spell into the curse. Aaron stayed with Douglas, in London, until Douglas' death. He then moved to America, having his statue moved with him.
He has moved from town to town until recently, when his statue was bought in an auction by....