Aaron O'DeaWriter Name: KristinaE-mail: huntressangel@hotmail.com Age: Wouldn't you like to know. Character Info: Name: Aaron O'Dea Age: 220 Type: Master Vampire (NPC) Description: Aaron is about 5'10 very lithe. His hair is a shade of almost black, brown that's cut short for convience sake. His eyes are a strange hazel green, flecked liberally with brown. His face isn't drop dead gorgeous but it is a striking face, one that isn't easily forgotten. He has a few scars on his upper arms from his mortal life and a very nasty looking scar on his left thigh. Personality: Manipulating, he enjoys playing with people's heads simply for the hell of it. He spent his entire life getting whatever he wanted and in undeath he is just as selfcentered as before. He is a warrior in all things, he approches all his challenges as if they were a battle. Abilities: Skilled with a sword, daggers and lately a gun he's an opponent to be reckoned with. His vampiric powers lean towards the mental persauasion arena, letting him manipulate humans with ease and even young vampires if he really works at it. His animal to call is the leopard. History: Aaron O'Dea was the only son of an Irish vampire hunting family. His father trained him, from the time he was ten he learned to fight and to kill his family's sworn enemies. He hated the responsibility given to him, not caring that his family had a blood vengenance against them. He did as his father wished but never really exerted much iniative. He spent most of his time in Galway socializing with the young ladies from the upperclass families. When he was twenty three he met, by chance, a sixteen year old girl named Kathryn O'Shea. She was completely different from the others, wild as a hawk and not half as gentle. He courted her actively for three years...two of those three years in secret. He never knew why he didn't just bed her and cast her aside as he had so many others. Something made him hold back. Her father was very well off and he knew her dowry was very generous, she was an only daughter with only one older brother. He cared for her, god knew he lusted for her. He decided that he would marry her, and after a long talk with her father it was settled. A month before the wedding he was captured by vampires and given a choice, one, he could join them if he offered a life in place of his own or two, they could just kill him. He gave them Kathryn, later to be known as Jade. He was taken as a vampire. Jade was told that he was dead, after a faked death scene, and he went to England. Ever since he has been working on getting his own city. His cards are almost perfectly in line but he needs a few powerful vampires to complete his flock. After hearing that Jade was still alive he began making arrangements, to get her back. ![]()
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