Writer: Matt Yerkes
Email: rabid@enter.net
Age: 25
Character: Alexander Jackson
Nature: Mortal
Description: 5' 11'' with sandy brown hair and pale green eyes, Alex is a fairly imposing man with a healthy muscularity from weight lifting. He is far from being beautiful, but he does have a charm about him. He normally wears jeans and a banded collar shirt with a blazer. He hates ties. When on the job, he can be friendly and one of the guys. He can sit down with a child molester and make him think he is his best friend, that he completely understands the guy's feelings towards kids just to put him away. Then he'll smile as he slaps on the cuffs. Off duty, Alex can be fairly cool and off putting. He does not open up quickly and keeps few friends, not going out much. He prefers to sit in the park or some other place and draw life than be part of it. He has a tendency to be very professional when not working over a witness or a criminal.
Background: Born in Las Vegas, Alex was the son of a show girl and a beat cop. His father was one of the most decorated cops in the city having bagged even a few vampires and weres. His mother was always very doting and loving, reading him many ancient tales of heroes and monsters. She filled him with great ideals of love, romance, heroism and morals. His father raised him to hunt, fish and to be a 'man' in general.
Alex had a fairly happy childhood and pushed himself to excel in academics as well as sports to make his parent's proud. When he hit his late teens though he began to rebel and go against his father's wishes. His dad was an avid hater of the supernatural, so he began to hang out with a group of were-tigers. He continued to excel in school, deciding to go to college. His father was disappointed because he wanted his son to join the police force.
At college, he met a vampire, Julia, and fell in love with her. She was pre-law and they happened to have a few classes together in criminal justice. When she graduated, they both decided to move away together so she could attend a good law school, one that would accept a vampire. They moved to Boston where he got a job in the police force to help pay the bills and would continue his education later. They grew apart and finally she told him she didn't want to be with him anymore, that she had found another vampire that would take care of her better than him. He was devastated.
Alex became depressed and tried to kill himself. He saw his whole life going down the drain and couldn't bear going on in this life. While recovering from his injuries, his mother, now divorced from his father, came to visit him and nurse him back to health. She told him that she had found a nice place in a town called Sanctuary and took him there to help him recover. Alex eventually did recover physically and mentally, but emotionally he was hardened. He applied to the local police and landed a job because of his experience and training at the Boston police academy.
Taking some classes at the local college, he finally got his degree and his BA in criminal justice. Soon after, he passed his detective exam and joined the narcotics squad to earn his experience. After a major bust in a joint investigation with the DEA, Alex got his choice of assignments and he took the violent crime squad.
Abilities, Talents & Weaknesses: Limited psychometry earned from his mother's side of the family. He is skilled with weapons and can use just about any gun with a fair amount of skill. His father taught him not only to use handguns and rifles, but he made him an excellent archery hunter and fisher. He is a licensed EMT and a decent artist, working in charcoal. Because of his relationship with Julia, he has the first mark of a human servant so has some resistance to the vampires power.
Graphics Courtesy of Moyra's Web Jewels