Writer: Clint Black
Email: cblack@abts.net
Age: 32
Name: Alex Knight
Character's Age: 33
Nature: Human Mage (Shaman)
Description: Alex is right at six feet tall with a stocky frame. He definitely has extra weight around the middle, but he carries it well. He's got brown hair and a short beard with a few shots of grey at the chin. He tends to wear comfortable clothes personally or as the situation demands professionally. He is the epitome of the "big ol' teddy bear" of a man.
Personality: Alex is a nice guy. He tends to find himself taking up "lost causes" for good people. He's not quite naive anymore though. He may look soft, but if you push him or meet him in court, he's as tough as they come. Generally, he comes across as intelligent, observant, and friendly.
Powers/Abilities: Alex is a shaman. He can naturally sense, see, and speak with spirits. They tend to be respectful if not outright friendly with him. He can call upon his totem spirit, Owl, for aid in emergencies, but more often does so for guidance and training. Since Owl is a nocturnal spirit, his spells work best at night. Currently, he only knows a few minor spells, but he has a few gifts from Owl that he can use at night as well. They include vision and hearing equal to an owl, increased stamina and toughness, and flight. He is also considered one of the top lawyers on the east coast.
History: Alex was working on a negotiation between the Cherokee and a furniture company that wanted to clear cut an adjacent section of land. He had a proposal that he felt would benefit both, but would cut the lumber mill out of a job. Whether it was the long talks with the shaman or the crack on the head from the lumber mill rednecks, Alex never knew why Owl came to him that night in the woods. She called him one of her lost and bestowed upon him her gifts. She showed him how to heal the wound to his head, and said she would have a little time to teach him more before he must find his way to Sanctuary. Alex always thought that was a metaphor, until he got a phone call from an old friend, Cameron Lane.