Anna Nguyen
Character Name: Anna Nguyen
Writer: Barbara Akers
Age: 40
Character: Anna Nguyen (NPC)
Type: Human Psi
Age: 30
Appearance: Anna is half Vietnamese, half British. She is 5'3", 125 pounds.
Straight black hair worn short, one brown eyes. A little on the plain side.
Personality: Often difficult to get along with, she tends to demand
especially in herself. She has a temper. Loses it, then is fine. She's slow
make friends. Loyal to Gerhardt, but not above boxing his ears if she thinks
he deserves it.
Abilities: telepathy. She is a better sender than receiver of thoughts. She
has helped her lover, Gerhardt Gehr, by planting suggestions in the minds of
weaker targets. Or helping to cover his tracks by convincing bystanders they
didn't see what really occurred. Doesn't work on Master vamps or highly
controlled/shielded minds. This weakness and the mental toll it has taken on
her make her abilities limited for Enforcer use.
History: She was born in London. While she learned her father's native
tongue, she has never set foot in Vietnam. Her abilities didn't manifest
until puberty. She gained some training at a private institute before she
Gehr. They've been together for nearly ten years. The past year he's begun
broaching the subject of her becoming his Human Servant.
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