Avery Nettelson

Player: Sue

Email:  suerosen@stellarnet.com

Player Age...27

Name: Avery Nettelson

Character Age: 34

Nature: were-vulture

Description: 5'10", about 167 pounds brown hair, kept fairly short, hazel eyes, pale skin, about as non-descript as you can get. In shifted form he is a 167 pound black vulture. Not an entirely unimposing sight! Otherwise is usually dressed in jeans (blue or black) and T-shirts or long sleeves.

Personality: laid back, quiet, mild-mannered. Likes soft music, soft clothing, soft bed. Good books (fiction or non-fiction), baseball, and quiet evenings in. He'll stand up for his beliefs, but is more likely to simply shut up than to participate in a fight, verbal or otherwise. Tends to get nauseus in conflict or when scared. He's in condition and can throw a punch or fight physically if pressed, but will take any avenue out before that.

Abilities: In were form he can fly, has a hard time taking off from the ground, does best dropping from cliffs. In fights he tends to vomit on his opponents. While non-conventional, and not particularly impressive, it can be quite effective, at least in giving him a chance to get away. Also the ability to eat (and in some cases enjoy) rotten and ransid food, as well as carrion, with no ill effects. He's intelligent and curious, but nothing extrodinary. non-alpha, very naturally submissive, doesn't have very good control over his change.

History: Avery was a paper-pusher for the military, and ended up being the result of governmental experimentation with the virus, given unknowingly as "vaccines" to their employees. He got booted, no longer being of much use.

That was three years ago, and he's wandered since then, supporting himself through odd jobs, savings, the little he still gets from the military, and mostly living off the land and out of his little red car.





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