Brandy Stevens |
EMAIL: Age - 38
Character: Brandy Stevens Type - Baby Vampire - only a few months old Age - 24 Description: 5'4", 130 lbs, petite to med build
Physical Description: Brandy has light auburn hair that she wears loose, falling down to her shoulder blades. Her eyes are blue green and tend to sparkle with mischief. She loves to wear clothes that are on the borderline - low low cut dresses that cling to her body, leaving little to the imagination. She always dons spiked heels to appear a bit taller and to maker her legs look nicer. She is new to the world of vampires, only being "born" three months ago. Everything is still new and a delight to her. Listening to the many sounds of the night never fails to fascinate her. She sees "Him" (Geoffrey) whenever he can fit her into his schedule. She tries to please him and follow his directions on how to behave, but when he is not there, sometimes she "forgets" and the music from the clubs draws her out. She finds herself moving so seductively to the beat of the music -losing herself - and then out of nowhere HE is there with that frown on his face and she is forced to go home alone, knowing she has failed him. She still calls home every week or two. Fortunately with the time change she can still call at "normal" hours and they don't suspect a thing. No - she has not informed anyone back home about her vampirism. Just one of those things she is dreading confronting. Friends from her department have noticed that she has seemed withdrawn lately, but haven't said anything yet. Background: Brandy grew up in a small town several miles south of St. Louis, Missouri. Her major accomplishment was graduating college with a degree in Computer Science. Life was pretty uneventful until she moved to a large city. There she finally started going out with friends. She normally only went out on Saturday nights. Meeting people..and was a new world to her, and she discovered she really really liked it *grin*. Brandy is not one for doing any type of drugs, well maybe an occasional aspirin. She likes to have a clear mind. Also, she doesn't drink that much. She has learned how to nurse a drink for an entire evening. She developed a habit of telling the guys she'd rather dance with them than take a drink from them. As she grew to be more comfortable going out with her friends, she discovered a hidden part of her that astonished her. She had always been shy around men before, but now she realized how much she enjoyed flirting and teasing men. Whenever she would go out with her friends, she would find that merely by focusing her attention on a particular man he would look at her and be drawn to her - wanting her. This new found talent made her feel very confident. Psychic? Could be..but the increase in self-confidence definitely made her feel sexier and increased her desire for men tenfold. Brandy has always been fascinated with computers - with all the different programs available. Fortunately, she was able to snag a job at a nationally known computer company working the night shift at the help desk. She actually enjoys helping people with their computer problems and sees each call as an individual challenge toward making that person more computer smart. Things were going smoothly until the company she worked for decided to transfer her department to their main location in Sanctuary. With the company offering to take care of all moving costs plus a generous salary increase, Brandy accepted the transfer. She noticed a difference in some of the men in Sanctuary almost immediately. Upon visiting the local night clubs, she found herself being drawn almost irresistably to the men there, instead of her gaze drawing men to her. At times she thought she could hear their thoughts of desire, but she brushed it off as being nervous in this new place. Unknown to her the vampires knew of her small talent and decided to turn the tables on her, chuckling softly to themselves as she would look so lost and bewildered..yet so enticing. One night she saw a man who immediately drew her attention. His style of clothing, his walk, his voice, his laughter, his smile, his very attitude all so sensually casual. One moment she saw him across the room chatting with some people, the next he was standing by her table, extending his hand, asking her to dance. That night became a blissful memory. It was a night of whispered passion, of stolen kisses and an ecstasy that she never dreamed possible. That night he claimed her and she began the process of becoming vampire..and his love slave. Believe it or not, she is not a career woman. Computers have always been a big part of her life, but she just recently discovered that men, vampires in particular, can be quite interesting too. She is not sure where her is life is headed right now. She used to have such romantic dreams of meeting the perfect man and falling in love, but each day she sees less romance and love and more duty and demands upon her. She is only too glad that being a vampire has not interfered with her work as it would be a pain to not have any income. Weaknesses: Men - especially vampires..dangerously sensual - like a drug she can not get out of her system. Sunlight - but she was always a night person so that is not a major challenge to her. Silver bullets & silver nitrate - she is still thinks "human" so she naturally dodges bullets - no matter what type. Music - not really a weakness..but she tends to lose her concentration when something with a deep driving beat starts playing.
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