Breanna Sloan

Writer: Barbara Akers(Barbara/Maggie)


Age: 40

Character: Breanna Sloan

Age: 27

Type: Human (NPC)

Appearance: Blonde wavy hair, worn just past shoulders. Hazel-blue eyes. Breanna is 5'3" with a generous busom. And hips. She maintains a fitness plan that allows her to remain relatively toned, but still be a soft armful for the Alhambra clients.

Personality: Breanna has yet to meet a person she didn't like. She has a sympathetic personality, treating each person as she'd want to be treated. She loves a good joke. She also loves music and impressionistic paintings. She was already working at the Alhambra when Joseph became a postulant. The two hung out since they both loved music. Their relationship is strictly a friendship.

History: Breanna grew up in a lower middle class family in Chicago. She came from a large family, with 4 brothers and 2 sisters. She fell in the middle of the pack. Breanna was an average student, but made a mark for herself in the music department. She took up the flute but was not quite good enough for the Chicago Philharmonic Orchestra. At 20 she left Chicago to live with an aunt in Maine and attend U of M in Sanctuary. After graduation, she horrified her family by seeking employment at the Alhambra. She plays the flute there for the guests' entertainment, as well as taking on a more one-on-one entertainment style with the guests. Breanna practices a bisexual lifestyle with the same enthusiasm she takes toward playing the flute. She operates on the theory everyone should enjoy themselves at least once, and she's determined to help them at it.






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