Writer: Teresa Shannon
Email: tws@csd.uwm.edu
Age: 27
Name: Brok
Character: Brok
Age: Immortal (been around since Ymir's been dead)
Nature: Unseelie Fey; Dwarf, norse, post-Ragnarok
Description: Ugly, small beady green eyes that shine with malevolent
intelligence, big nose and ears, yellow teeth, balding head, beard, short legs, big head somewhat twisted limbs. About 4'6" and about 250lbs, not fat just dense, almost like he's made of stone. Lots of creases and wrinkles, arms are very developed muscularly as is his back. Has a scar on his left cheek where a certain gadfly bit him. Looks old and weathered, but not frail, more like how a river cuts into the rock to form a chasm.
Personality: Villain. Evil, nasty, cruel, rude, uncouth, irreverant and sly, but also superhumanly intelligent. Prone to talking of the past, complaining about the present or mumbling fortellings of the future and dire warnings of doom. Not above pulling the wings off small birds.
Abilities: As the Eddas say. Can foretell the future, knows the secrets of the earth, superhuman intelligence, can work magic in runes when dealing with the metals and jewels of the earth. Can enchant such, although not as spectacularly as he used to. Can with his cap be invisible (that is he melds into the background as camouflaged. This doesn't work well in a crowd of people). and appear very quickly from place to place. Without the cap he's visible. can speak with those who dwell beneath the earth as a brother. Animals, creatures and beings that live and dwell underground are known to him and can converse with him.
History: This is Brok, you know, the one with Sindari who bet Loki they could make cooler gifts then Dvalin's boys or they get the god's head. They made Draupnir the magic ring, the Boar of gold bristels and Thor's hammer Mijolnor among other things; won the bet, but couldn't satisfy themselves with Loki's head. The dwarves stayed out of Ragnarok and hid themselves and spread out when the White Christ became popular in the Old Country. Brok and Sindari worked for Krupp during WWII (helped with some of the more unsavory parts of the war machine). Sindari now is in R&D for Mercedes Benz. Brok is in semi-retirement wanting to take some time out to perhaps make a few little items that will corrupt the greedy and pursue some of his interests, getting the best of people, complaining and seeing a little of the new world. Brok decided for the next several hundred years to work his way through America and just see what kind of suckers they are. Maines first and he's wandering into Sanctuary to see what he can do and because he knows some of those from Alfaheim came here, he got it from a kobold.
Weaknesses: Women, Loves beautiful women, human, elf, you name it, heck, don't even need to be that beautiful. Big weakness. Terrible tendency to lust and bargain. Sunlight, although he won't be turned to stone on account of the differnt sun when Skoll the wolf ate the last one at Ragnarok, he still doesn't like it, makes him sluggish and uncomfortable. He's very vain about his looks, his talents and his magic, will seek revenge on those who laugh at them. He can be captured by dwarf made magic and the cleverness of those as in the riddle contests with the gods of old. Dwarves can be killed by physical violence just like humans. It takes a stronger arm to perhaps thrust a sword through him, and his skin is very tough, but he can be run over like anyone else.