Daria Lynne Jacobs
HISTORY: Daria grew up for the first twelve years of her life being treated more like a pampered pet than a child by her parents, two very wealthy people who weren't sure what to do with a child and were far to busy with their social life to try and figure it out. She learned to keep her mouth shut and look pretty when they were home, a perfect little princess. Despite their lack of interest, she had a happy childhood, finding a surrogate mother and father in the cook and her husband, who took care of the grounds. The cook, who she always called Nana, gave her all the mothering she could have wanted, and taught her it doesn't matter where you come from so much as who you are and what you do with yourself. It was due to them that she never developed into a snob (Nana would have torn into her and ripped any delusions of grandeur to shreds quicker than she could say meekly "yes Nana"). Unfortunately, when she was twelve, her parents decided she was old enough to go to boarding schools, and she was packed off to Boston. She was miserable, not fitting in or having the same attitudes as the other girls, but she quickly learned to project a cheerful exterior and hold her tongue. She worked with single-minded intensity at her classes, taking on extra work to fill her free time so she wouldn't have to think about being lonely, and rationalizing that the more work she did, the sooner she would get out of there. The next two years passed in a blur of work, during which she never went home, spending the holidays reading and doing extra work, or wandering in town (she was given a very generous allowance for clothes and the like, because one simply had to keep up appearances). It was during Christmas break when she was fourteen that while she was shopping downtown she came across a new bookstore, and wandered in. It was not just a bookstore but a magic shop, run by a Wiccan High Priestess, and, unnerved, she blurted a hello, looked uncomfortably around for a few minutes, and then grabbed a couple books at random off the shelf, paying for them and rushing out. That night, curious, she sat down and read them...and discovered a new world. She became a regular at the shop, and the Priestess, Shana, took her under her wing and gave her some basic training, and helped her discover she had a gift with tarot cards and everything else used for divination, able to pick them up and *know* how to use them. Following Shana's advice, she was careful to leave her tools and books at the store and not to let her schoolmates know about her new beliefs. It only took her two more years until she was able to graduate early, at sixteen, and she convinced her parents that it would be much better if they sent her off to a University than a finishing school. She majored in Parapsychology, to their horror, doing readings for friends, and sometimes complete strangers who would come up to her, having heard about her from someone else. She enjoyed her time there, despite the annoyance of being treated like everyone's kid sister, and after getting her bachelor's degree, decided to stay and work on another degree, this one in Psychology, as she'd discovered how much she enjoyed helping people who came to her for readings, and went on to also get a Masters degree in Parapsychology at the University of Maine in Sanctuary. During the time she'd been in school, her grandfather had died, and to the surprise of everyone left everything to her. As he put it in his will "the girl's got spunk. At least she went out and is doing something with her life." Suddenly she found herself with more money than she knew what to do with and decided to move to San Francisco and open up a shelter for homeless kids, where they could get food and counseling. While there she also took more courses in school, eventually getting her PhD in Psychology. About three years ago, while in San Francisco, she met a Fey named Drae, who was a phouka, who she ended up falling in love with. A few days ago, Daria received a phone call from an old friend from school who lived in Sanctuary, and after getting off the phone with her, realized that she *had* to go to Sanctuary, though she had no idea why. After setting affaris in order with the shelter and making sure things would be taken care of, she and Drae climbed on a plane and headed to Sanctuary.
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