Delaney QuinnCharacter's Name: Delaney QuinnWriter: Nici Writers Age: Over 21 and counting (tick, tock) Characters Age: 85 years, but looks around 20-25 years old Nature: Vampire, non master APPEARANCE: Delaney weights in at a whopping 95 lbs (usually sopping wet) and is around 5 foot tall. She has pale skin, emerald green eyes and hair of a red so pure it almost resembles blood. Her features are tiny and delicate (almost like fine porcelain) and are set off by the pixie hair cut she's partial to (low maintenance and she can do it herself). Incongruously,she's rarely seen in anything other than pants-her favourite outfits being overalls with T- shirts or denim shirts worn with tight black leather pants. A pair of battered combat boots can usually be found on her feet when she remembers to wear shoes. Most of her current belongings can be tossed into a duffel bag-Delaney definitely travels light. PERSONALITY: Oddly quiet, Delaney can't remember a lot about her early years as a vampire, but thinks that that may be because the vampire that sired her kept her under very strong mind control-twisting memories as he saw fit and placing others where blank ones were. She can go from total lucidity to extreme confusion in an instant--or remember everything that happened to her at the mortal age of 8, yet forget what she did an hour earlier. When totally in control, she can, if need be, take total control of a situation--especially if it entails her own self preservation. Even during episodes when she's not quite 'all there' survival is utmost in her mind and she will try to work the situation to her advantage. Because of her memory lapses, she's become a true listener, as it helps her to ascertain just what type of dilemma she may or may not be in. STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Delaney has the usual vampire strength and speed and the weaknesses associated with very strong non-Masters. She has noticed that she has the ability to "roll" or give small mental suggestions to humans although she could care less and rarely bothers to try to learn more about it--and sometimes She just plain forgets about that ability altogether. On occassion she might use it, to say, get herself out of a bind or to make a curious human forget her, but Then be totally confused about why it worked later. HISTORY: Again, because Delaney's sire was so good (or maybe bad) at mind and memory manipulation, that much of her past is murky to say the least. She remembers her mother and father and at least one younger brother(she thinks). She remembers enough to know that she was originally from the California area and that maybe she remembers when automobiles were first introduced. Her sire, Brandon, was entranced with her beauty and delicate looks, never realizing the tomboy just waiting to escape. When fear didn't work to bend her to his will after her change, he resorted to mind manipulation, scrambling more of her memories than he'd anticipated. About fifteen years ago, the home that Delaney and her creator lived in with a few other vampires in California was fire bombed--Delaney was the only survivor. Since then, she's traveled aimlessly across country with no true goal in life but to stay 'alive'. ![]()
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