Player: Barbara Akers
Age: 38
Fr. Andrew "Andy" Redle
Nature: Wererat
Appearance: 29 year old male,5'11", 175 pounds, dark brown hair, light brown eyes. Average features. Smile wrinkles at corner of eyes. Ready smile.
Background: Fr. Redle has been travelling the country performing his duties as an Exorcist. His brother was the wererat King in Sanctuary. Since he's been missing a set number of months(more than 4)his lawyer has carried out his wishes and contacted Fr. Redle as well as initiated the legal requirements to declare Michael Redle dead. Andy has asked for a sabatical to take care of everything since he is the last surviving member of his immediate family. Only a few cousins are alive, but none are really close.
Andy is a patient man who has come to terms with his lycanthropy and religious vocation. He is a very successful Exorcist, and has been involved in his share of supernatural adventures. His wildest one was early in his Exorcism career. It occurred in Philadelphia. He was asked to exorcise a demon that was inside a teenage girl who also happened to be involved with a vampire who was into Satanism. At the same time, the Vampire Council had decided he (the vampire) was a danger to the community and since he refused to heed their warnings, had sent Lee to snuff him. Fr. Andy and Lee had ended up working together to deal with the demons involved as well as the vampire. The whole incident gave the priest a different outlook on vampires.
Abilities/Powers/Weaknesses: Jesuit Priest, Exorcist, Wererat. Being a deeply spiritual soul, Fr. Andy has a special relationship with his Guardian Angel, Phanuel(Angel of Hope). This angel isn't really seen by anyone, though occasionally Andy swears he can see something there. Generally, he just feels the presence of the Angellic Being, and sometimes 'hears' the voice as well. Other times it's just a general sense of peace and ideas that just seem to come out of nowhere. He has been aware of his angel since he was a small boy. Main weakness is having to turn furry once a month. He isn't alpha, but beta in strength/standing among the wererats.