Gordon MerrikerCHARACTERS NAME: Gordan MerrikerWriter: Barbara Email: BAkers5915@aol.com Character Name: Gordon Merriker Nature: young master Vampire. 70 years a vampire, turned when he was 28 Appearance: 5'11" 165 lbs Brown hair cut to the nape of the neck, green eyes. Caucasian. Handsome but not overly so. Tends to dress in slacks and button up shirts. Strengths/Weaknesses: Quick learner, demolitions expert. Excellent tracker, of beings or of information. Feline caller. Poet. Mental shields are not as strong as perhaps they should be, and some would say he's perhaps a bit overdevoted to his maker, Victoria Blackwood. History: Encountered Victoria as she was waiting in a bar to make contact with a "job" while he was visiting Britian. He fell in love at first sight and made it his life mission to find her again. She became impressed with his ability to track her, then became impressed with him in bed. She turned him and he's been with her ever since. Personality: Typically quiet but quite intense at times. His first devotion in life is Victoria. He will do anything she asks. Generally agreeable. Writes poetry. ![]()
Vampire Listing
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