Henry Michigan
Writers: Jenn and Sue
Email: jenn@rosedalevillage.com
Email: suerosen@stellarnet.com
Ages: plenty between us
Character: Henry Michigan
Class: human
Age: 43
Description: brown eyes average build, sandy colored hair, starting
to go a little grey
Personality: Fractured. Has a cool professional side that's
pleasant and well...professional. The other side is full of hate and
resentfulness for anything supernatural. He's had to deal with
supernaturals quite a bit in his profession which is slowly causing a
mental meltdown.
Ability: therapist, hypnotist (which he keeps under his hat).
Background: Henry's mother was a psychic, and his father an
priest. His father's church preached against supernaturals, but he
chose to ignore his wife's abilities due to his love for her. Henry
idolized his father. He was a very religious young man and had
problems with the contradiction of his love for his mother and the
intolerance of the church.
Henry fell in love with a woman, while in seminary and married her.
After they were married, Henry discovered that his wife had visions
(psychometrist). Henry tried to rationalize his love for his wife
with the beliefs of his church that preached intolerance.
During this time period, Henry's personality started to fracture as he
tried to rationalize the love for his wife and children over the
beliefs of his church. Henry's wife left him when the intolerance
became too much for her to bear.
It was when his wife left him that he met Father Edward, who seemed to
him to be the perfect father. So much like his own growing up but
without the sinful love of an "evil" woman. It was not hard to get
him into the Hand. Henry failed at becoming a priest and then
went to college to study psychology. He graduated top of his class and
started out working at the local hospital as a resident. He managed
to gain a position as the Psychiatrist for the local Police
Department last year. So far, he has been an exemplary employee. However,
he has not had to deal with counselling supernaturals at the office.
However, with his position, the Hand hopes to influence the PD,
gain information on supernaturals in the city, and perhaps even
manage to quietly force supernaturals out of the PD.
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