
Writer:  Kristina Grinton

Email:  huntressangel@hotmail.com

Age: older than 17

Character:  Jade O'Shea (Never uses last name.)

Age: 213 years since she was changed

Type: Vampire

Description: aprox. 5'5, waist length strawberry blond hair and big green eyes. She has a very delicate build and many people are put at ease because she looks so very harmless.

Special Abilities/Talents: Jade is a very sensitive psychic and this has been used against her in the past. She has almost no control over her mind and is slowly learning how hard that is. In addition she has a talent for music and enjoys playing her celtic harp.

Personality: Jade is very friendly but has reservations about trusting anyone, especially master vampires. If you prove that you can be trusted she will be the loyalist of friends and one of the deadliest, she never leaves a friend in trouble, this has gotten her into trouble in the past. She has the scars to prove it. To a stranger she may appear very happy and carefree, it is a mask that she maintains for self-preservation.

History: Jade was born in 1765 in the small Irish fishing village of Claughdaugh which is situated just outside of Galway. She was raised a proper young lady but she always had a flair for ridding, an interest she pursues on occasion. When she was twenty she had recently been engaged to a young man of good fortune who was, unknown to her a vampire hunter of some renown. In 1785 she was captured and changed into one of the children of the night, this night was the first of many long nights of torture and other unpleasantness. A fire destroyed her master and his 'family' 63 years ago and she has since been free to some extent, she has been living in southern Greece until just recently when her master at the time sent her to America to explore herself and potential.


                          Vampire Listing

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