Randy James

Player:  Thonos

Email:  thonos@altech.ab.ca

Age:  older than 17

Character:  Randy James

Age:  24

 Nature:  Human

Special Abilities/Talents:  Randy is a Journeyman Mechanic with no supernatural powers

Appearance:  At work, Randy wears his coveralls with only boxers underneath. On exceptionally warm days he can often be found with the coveralls open to his waist, exposing his well-muscled torso. He is handsome by any standards, with long, dark brown hair and brown eyes. Away from work, Randy dresses in clothes that appear to have been pulled from a war-zone. Not only do they usually come from the nearest military surplus store, but he tends to find the ones that have been worn to the point of disintegration to be most comfortable. When he goes out, he tends towards black, relatively new, military garb. Only under extreme situations will he ever dress up.

Personality:  Randy's a happy-go-lucky type who likes to live day to day. He strongly believes he's good-looking, and isn't afraid to use it. An ex-military man, he's got little to no temper, but found that he couldn't be away from his twin brother (see Mitchel James) and that military functions to be an inconvenience. Still, he maintains a militant attitude towards his goals, often refering to them as "objectives" or "missions." He has an absolute hatred for senseless violence and has a deep-seeded honour that he refuses to let go of. He and his brother can often be found in the weight room of a local fitness club or fencing in Mitchel's back yard.

Background (for both Randy and Mitchel):  The twins grew up in San Fransisco. Their parents were upper-middle class. Their father was an accountant, while their mother was a simple house-wife. As youngsters, the boys were treated to stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. They idolized King Arthur and his ideals and never seemed to out-grow the stories.

As they grew older, they came up with their own solution to a small gang of bullies that terrorized the children of their neighborhood. They assembled their friends and, calling themselves the Knights of the Round Table, took it upon themselves to stand up to the bullies. With their friends in tow, they went out and confronted the bullies. Their dozen against the handful of bullies, three to four years their seniors, caused a peaceful withdrawal of the bullies and cemented what the twins had deemed "the code of the round table" in their minds. Although their code contained holes that were filled over the years, it holds to this day. The "girls must be avoided so that you won't catch cooties" rule died when they hit high-school. Likewise the "stealing cookies isn't really stealing" rule was revised. They thought about a section on how to treat women, but couldn't agree, so they decided that taking out the cooties clause was enough. One that was added was "to take care of those around you, you must first take care of yourself."

In high-school, Randy excelled at sports, but was a mediocre student. Mitchel, on the other hand, was only mediocre at team sports, although he managed to keep up with his brother in the weight room, but excelled at the scholastic skills. After high-school, Randy joined the military, and Mitchel went off to college. In the military, Randy earned his Journeyman Mechanic's ticket, but found that things weren't as much fun without Mitchel around. Besides, Military functions always seemed to interfere with socializing so, after five years, he got himself taken off the active duty roster and set out to live a civilian's life.

His brother, by this time, had earned a business degree and was working in Sanctuary, Maine. Randy went to join Mitchel. Out of work, Randy arrived in time to watch the company Mitchel worked for finish its downwards spiral into bankruptcy. Answering an add in the paper, they now find themselves working for an eccentric businessman, Mark Thorn, at his automotive shop, Night Rides.






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