Javier Don Vega
Player: Barbara Akers with Mike's permission Email: BAkers5915@aol.com Age: 38 Character: Javier Don Vega Type: Human and Necromancer/Vampire Hunter/Bounty Hunter Age: 32 Appearance: Javier Don Vega's ancestory is from Southern Spain. He has jet black hair cut military short. His eyes are ocean blue with the slightest touch of green. Staring into those eyes will tell the story of age beyond his years. Standing 6 foot three inches tall he stands above most. He is well built, olympic atheletic strength and dexterity, and works out fanatically showing very defined muscles. His grandparents are from Southern Spain and he is white with dark spanish features, looking very European. He wears black leather boots made in Spain. They are customed hand made as well as all of his clothing. The boots are complete with what appears to be silver crosses on the outer side of each. Which, in reality, are blessed silver throwing knives. He usually dresses in well groomed clothing, caring about his appearence, not vanity mind you but caring about how he looks.
Black pants, leather black belt laced with silver studs and a blessed silver cross at the buckle. He always has a long-sleeved white Egyptian hand made cotton shirt on with small blessed silver throwing knives built into the arms of the shirts. Black silver studded sheaths with small blessed crosses hold those knives. There is a large Silver cross necklace, ancient family secret, under his shirt. He also usually wears a black vest with silver crosses replacing where buttons used to be down the vest on one side. His vest is always unbuttoned. His white shirt is not buttoned but has pull strings toward the neck and never tied but open showing a tattoo on the left side of his neck. The tattoo is a small crossed dagger, not noticable unless someone is close. On him can visibly be seen at least two strangly designed automatic hand guns. One in a shoulder holster and the other stratigically placed along his backside.. He has a 9mm in easy reach hidden away as a back up. A blessed silver short sword is on his back. On the side of his left hip is a 10' long silver tipped and studded leather whip. How he loves his toys. He has both a federal and Maine State license for all his weapons. He can, at will, use his Southern Spain accent without a lisp. He still appears to be in his late twenties although his eyes tell a different story. His beard is jet black and is well trimmed along the edge of his sharp jaw bone complete with a thin black moustache.
As head of the Sanctuary Swat division he wears the standard equipment along with some of his own toys for fun.
Background: Born in a US Embassy in Spain. Both his parents worked in Army Intelligence. He usually moved around with his mother along with her assignments. His parent both loved each other and still do to this day. Javier was an exceptionally gifted child learning things quickly. From his dad he learned both fencing and martial arts; Kung Fu, Karate, and grappling. He loves the ocean; sailing, surfing, and just playing in the water. Always had an affinity for the dead and dead things. His parents moved around almost yearly bouncing from place to place around the world. But he was always on military bases and an only child. He was educationally advanced and graduated from High School at the age of 16. His mother was working on assignment in Long Beach, California at the time. He always knew there was something different about him almost strange but figured it was only bad dreams and feelings. Being on military bases never really exposed him to too much paranormal activities.
At the age of 17 he found an intrest in the paranatural recieving an AA degree in Paranatural Biological Sciences. Which really didn't amount to beans since it was at Long Beach City College. From there he found an apartment along the Pacific Ocean and continued his education while both his parents moved on with their careers. By 19 he received a double Bachelors of Science in both Paranatural Biology and Criminal Justice. Along with a minor in Occult / Vampiric Lore studies. He debated about joining the Los Angeles Police Academy or joining the Army like his parents. He joined the military at the age of 18. In the Army he spent 1 year basic, 1 year OCS training as a cadet, 1 year standard field ops as a lieutenant doing military security, and 3 years special operations in a covert paranatural strike team. He left the army the age of 25 a Captain and was forced to be in the Army Reserves. His time in the military enhanced his skills and knowledge about the super natural. The fact that he survived alone said much to his superiors. Rather than make the military a life long carrier he learned of his natural necromantic skills and wanted to follow a different path. He searched out and found a university that had a Doctorate program in Paranormal Studies which intrigued him. He wanted to learn more of animators and necromancy.
Javier went back to school, to continue graduate school. Once he arrived at Sanctuary, he was hired on retainer by the SBPD for his expertice in military security. The Supernatural Crime Division had its full of experts in the paranormal but his talents of a bounty hunter came handy. He was soon working full time for the SPD and kept a very low profile till he finished school. At the age of 27 he completed a Masters of Science in Paranatural Biological Sciences and Paranormal Criminal Justice. At the age of thirty he recieved his PHD in Paranatural Studies as a certified Animator from MU. His Internship returned him to his ancestrial home, in Spain, where he learned the art of Necromancy from a still living grandfather. During his time at the university he recieved a state license as a Bounty Hunter and Vampire Hunter. At 31 he recieved Federal Licenses in both Bounty and Vampire Slaying. He has 12 registered vampire kills legally who were found guilty in the State of Maine.
By the age of 32 Javier wanted to focus his work in the SPD and follow his natural abilities as a learning Nercromancer. He stayed in Sanctuary for the climate and scenary. He remained on the SPD and has been offered to head the SPD Swat Team and has accepted. Currently, he is also a Major in the Army Reserves as well as a practicing Necromancer. Necromancy is against the law so he only allows himself to do the animator jobs unless forced to otherwise. Currently he finds himself in the unique position of being the human Master of a baby vampire, Nikki. Nikki Sanders was 'given' to the VE by the Enforcer (and new Lord of Sanctuary) Lee Snypes after Javier killed Sandra, Nikki's former Master and sire. Javier was 'asked' to teach Nikki how to survive. Now, Javier must learn to see Nikki not as the enemy, but as a student and ally.