Writer: Sue
Email: suerosen@stellarnet.com
Age: over 21 that's for sure
Character name: Jesse Naratur
Nature: Vampire
Age: 155 (137 years as a vampire, turned at age 18)
Gender: male
Appearance: very young. caucasian, light blond hair, worn at shoulder level, deep blue eyes, but otherwise rather plain. Lightly built, thin, 5'6" tall. Usually seen in jeans and T-shirts or pull-over sweaters, tennies. His hands are large, but fine-boned. Doesn't carry a very strong presence.
Personality: Quiet, mild-mannered. Doesn't get mad easily...or rather, doesn't show his anger or do anything about it usually. Will at animal abuse, but otherwise simply tends to let others handle situations. Likes to listen to guitar, learned to play, works well with animals, loves to read (mostly fiction). He's friendly, but limits the people he calls his friends to those he deals with a lot. Not as easily hurt by casual things as Antio, but if a friend, or someone he's put a lot of trust in hurts him, he's absolutely crushed. He's bisexual, mostly because it's be required of him most of his life. He is fine with men, but does prefer women. (He simply got used to the idea of having sex with men.)
Abilities/Weaknesses: standard for non-master vampires. His one special ability is for animals...birds in general, and swans in particular. His one major "weakness" is that he really does need to have someone in charge. It doesn't have to be someone actually dominating him...there just needs to be a "boss" to kinda give him direction.
Background: Was changed for his mild-mannered personality and (in large part) for his ability with swans by a master who had the swan as his to call, and kept a flock of them as companions and gaurds. The master treated him relatively well, but didn't always consider what Jesse wanted, but Jesse learned to adapt. Two years ago, his sire was killed by an over-zealous human rights activist, and he hasn't been managing very well since. Antio had spent some time with Jesse's sire (a brief affair, mostly about sex), and has invited Jesse to come and work for him and Tavia. Jesse still cares for the flock of swans that the sire left behind.