Writer: Barbara Akers
Email: BAkers5915@aol.com
Age: 39
Name: Paul Sulawesi
Age: 30
Type: Human
Description: Paul is 5'10", has brown hair, brown eyes, and weighs 190.
Strenghts/Weaknesses/Abilities: normal human abilities. Average
apearance lets him blend in with the crowd.
History: He has been on the fringe of organized crime most of his life. Running numbers as he grew up. Doing favors as he got older. One decision he made early on. Trust no one. The other decision he made was to stay loyal to whomever was paying the bills. As he saw it, that was the only way to stay alive in the racquets. 10 years ago he had met John in New York. John was one of the few employers that he'd had who actually respected him because of his 2 simple rules. As time went on John trusted him with more and more
complex tasks, with sketchier and sketchier instructions. The one bill that John makes sure he takes care of every month is Paul's retainer.
Name: Anthony Lupo
Age: 38 YO
Type: werewolf, beta, John's animal to call
Description: 5'6" 195, (Well muscled), Black hair, brown eyes.
Strength/Weaknesses/Abilities: Normal lycanthrope speed, strength and enhanced senses. Normal lycanthrope weaknesses. Sharpshooter.
History: Anthony had been a mob button man. The bosses never hesitated to call Anthony's number whenever they needed a button pushed. One time they called him to push a button on a were, only they didn't tell Anthony that it was a were. He got the job done, but not before being infected. At that point none of the mobs wanted anything to do with weres. They were considered unreliable. Paul had seen what was happening, and recomended Tony to John. When John hired Anthony, the loyalty he used to have for his mob bosses were
transfered to John. After all when everyone else wanted nothing to do with Tony, John was there. Anthony is used for basic foot work. Following people, putting pressure on and occasionally taking care of someone causing problems for Mr. Windsor. His sharpshooter skills have been used by John on occasion. Anthony generally needs fairly explicit directions, someone to make decisions for him outside of the actual hit.
Name: Desiree Chambourne
Age: over 200
Type: vampire, non-master, John's creation
Description: 5'0" (actually 4' 11 3/4" but she rounds it up) Strawberry blond hair, blue eyes, 90lbs.
Strengths/Weaknesses/Abilities: normal vampire abilities and weaknesses. Willing to seduce people for John's schemes. Has a sadistic streak. Mouthy.
History: Born on Bastile Day to noble parrents fleeing France.
Turned by John on her 20th Birthday. Desiree has been John's companion on and off for the last 200 years. Some of the time he thinks turning her may have been one of the few mistakes he had made. When they are making up afterwards, he doesn't doubt his decision to turn her. They have what is usually called a love/hate or perhaps a lust/hate relationship. She has kept her french accent, mostly as a gimmick to attract victims who find it exotic. She has seen some of the history pass between John and Lee, and has followed John to Maine because the final showdown promises to be a great show. And she holds a grudge against Lee for not succumbing to her charms.