Larrisa Collins

Player Name: Kristina


Player Age: Over 17

Character Name: Larrisa Collins

Age: 19

Nature: Wereleopard (beta)

Description: Larrisa is 5'2 and she has shoulder length honey-blond hair. She has dark green/blue eyes that most people would call aquamarine. She has a willowy lithe build that aids her in sports and dance. Her face is heart-shaped and pretty, the girl that turns a few heads but they seldom look more than twice.

Personality: Larrisa comes across as a bad ass. She basically tells you by her actions that she doesn't care about anyone or anything. Only those closest to her know that it's a mask that she uses to hide her real feelings. Losing her sister cut deep and she doesn't want to deal with the guilt of having survived the attack.

Special talents/abilities: Larrisa hasn't mastered any of her lycanthrope abilities because she has only been a wereleopard for about six months. She is a beta and will never be alpha in a pride. Her mother and  father put her into ballet as a young child and she has kept it up until just recently. She was faced with certain prejudices when she tried to go back after her accident.

Weaknesses: Usual were weaknesses.

History: Larrisa was born the younger of a set of twins to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Collins. She and her identical twin sister Tracy grew up inseparable, best of friends. She lived in Chicago with her family until they took a camping trip in Northern Canada six months ago. Larrisa and Tracy left the campsite together to go for a hike around the lake. They had thought the name was funny, Lake Porcupine and had decided to try and get some wildlife photos to show their friends back home. Tracy never made it back. A pair of wereleopards attacked them. Her sister was killed and Larrisa almost died of bloodloss from the massive injuries she has sustained. After recovering from her injuries she tried to go back to ballet and she was met with all sorts of nasty little pranks and remarks. She had been intending to start University that fall but an arrangement was made with the University and she stayed at home instead.

Her mother and father support her and don't care about her disease but they do expect her to try and put her life back on track. After a lot of work and research they found a little city in Maine called Sanctuary. From what they have heard the city is very accepting of people with 'special' abilities and think the enviroment might do her some good.





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