LEE SNYPES                                      

Player Name: Barbara Akers

Email: BAkers5915@aol.com

Age: 39

Character:  Lee Snypes (not his real name, just the one he’s using thiscentury; his real name is John Lee MacMillan; he dropped his first name for good reasons)

Type: Vampire

Age:  649 vampire years

Appearance: appears late 20s; died during the Black Plague, 1349; that makes him 649 years as the undead. Long, blonde hair(reaches to middle of shoulder blades); eyes, hazel.

A rather tall man for his time period, he is average in this century. He's 5’9”, 165 pounds, wiry.

Background: Lee is sarcastic with an acid wit. He has a thing about wearing black leather and cheap black sunglasses; usually has a pair perched up on his head. Current vehicle of choice is a Harley motorcycle. Also owns a custom made cadillac with darkly tinted windows. The back seat is made to lift up, revealing a safe haven for him during daylight hours should he be caught out on the road. It can be latched from within. He and Tony have used this car for many of their trips to other cities, with Tony driving during the day and Lee at night.

Lee is an Enforcer, their society’s name for a vampire hunter, one of three for the North American Vampire Council. He's done this for the past 50 odd years. He emigrated from Europe after working for the European Council for nearly a century. One of his duties for the Council is to be their eyes and ears, therefore he travels a lot. Puts down those Masters or individuals that the Council deems are dangerous or out of control. Lee prefers to hang out more with mortals and weres than his own kind when he can. He has an assistant/travelling companion, a young werewolf named Tony. Gave Tony the first Mark a year ago, and just recently the second mark upon seeing the extent of supernaturals in Sanctuary.

Lee recently reconnected with a former lover and friend teaching at the university. Samantha Tengo and he have joined up again as lovers. She'd helped him in Europe during his early years as an Enforcer. He has been 'assigned' to Sanctuary as it's new Lord...a move pushed by the Queen of the Council and not a popular move. He agreed in the hopes of straightening out the chaos an inexperienced former Lord left the vampire community in. Also wandering back into his life is his brother in blood, John Windsor, who wants the city for himself, but more importantly, wants Lee destroyed.

Abilities/Powers/Weaknesses: Skilled in many forms of fighting. Due to his age and honed skills, he has perfected the art of staying up past dawn by a few hours(inside)and even has appeared in daylight briefly if it’s very overcast and he's wearing an overcoat, hat, and muffler...of course, he smokes all the way from one sheltered spot to another, and only does this in dire emergencies. This doesn’t bode well for other vampires who have already gone to ‘bed’ for the day. And it's how he's taken several Master level vamps out of commission.

He can fly, but it isn't his strong suit. He has embraced technology and adapted to every century. He has the usual vampire powers. As for anything special, it would have to be his physical skills and sheer force of will. Or as Tony puts it: Lee's stubbornness puts a mule ta' shame!

Weaknesses...Lee keeps trying to eat regular food. He likes frenchfries. And even though he will later suffer for the attempts, he keeps persisting. Also, he has little tact. Makes enemies that way. And with Tony not yet through with the marks, he is vulnerable on that end. And Lee is a Catholic. Granted, it's hard to attend Mass and he's reduced to waiting for Easter and Christmas midnight  Mass, or winter evening services, but he holds those beliefs. This may be seen as a strength or weakness.
