Player: Sue
Age: old enough *g* okay, I'm 27 :-)
Name: Madame Zuleika
Nature: human; some would subclassify her as a ditz
Age: somewhere between her late 20s and mid 30s, she doesn't say
Description: medium height...about 5'5", her hair is wavy, down to about midback, brown with ahem...bleached "highlights" in it. her eyes are green, more of a hazel-green, rather nondescript. Pale skin shows a lot of freckles, which she *says* comes from Irish ancestry (don't believe it). Her weight is on the heavy side of average for her height, but she is still shapely. People will almost always see her in ragged skirts and blouses, with at least one shawl or scarf...oddly enough, she doesn't wear bracelets, but does wear a variety of gaudy rings and necklaces, and large dangly earrings.
Personality: She plays the part of the ditz very well, and very few people have ever seen the true serious side to her. She's friendly, the type of person that tends to touch others quite a bit, and is usually honestly oblivious to the fact that a lot of people don't like it! Insults and mean remarks and comments seem to float right over her head...and in most cases they do. Doesn't have a mean bone in her body, things that would make most people scream with anger will simply make her sad.
Abilities: she is a professional astrologer. And seems to have an ability to bounce back from adversity with barely a scratch. However, other than that, she's a pretty normal human...not even particularly sensitive.
History: nothing remarkable. normal childhood, normal parents, three kids in the family, she was the middle one. Wasn't even particularly interested in occult subjects. Somewhere along the line she tried doing a birth chart and discovered that she had a talent for doing horoscopes, and so her career was born. She did the column for a small local paper in her former home town, did a local radio spot too. Her elder sister died, who lived in Sanctuary, and so Z has come here to take care of the house and the many cats her sister lived with.
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