Mad Jack
Player: Barbara Akers
Age: 38
Character: Mad Jack
Nature: Storyteller, Human, with precognitive ability
Age: appears in his late 20s...could be closer to 1500 years, most spent on the Fey side of things.
Appearance: Jack is tall for his time period. Almost 5 10, 170 pounds, wiry. He has long blond hair, usually 1-2 days growth of beard, light blue-gray eyes. Pretty good looking if he took an interest in his appearance.
Abilities/Weaknesses: normal human strength, speed, etc. Jack was referred to as a Seer. He truly saw the future. But only disasters, deaths, wars...hes the type of person who may say its not his problem, but still step in to help someone. Hes also protected somewhat by the Voice he hears...the ghost...Jacks greatest weakness is the bottle. He drinks to mute the visions...its rare that a day goes by without him reaching for the bottle.
History: Jack (not what his real name was, but the pronunciation is close enough) was found in England almost 3 years ago, wandering the streets of Brighton, confused. He couldnt be understood as his English was so old that only a vampire from his century of birth might have understood him. Sent to a hospital he was eventually diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic. While there, he started to learn the Kings English, which didnt take too long for several reasons: he was a storyteller and learned to memorize what he heard quickly since there were few books in existence back then; and his native language was the forerunner of modern English.
Eventually, Jack escaped from the loonybin and managed to make his way to the US where he wandered up the East coast until finally settling in Sanctuary. (He has a green it as a favor from a man he helped...had one of his dreams and stopped the guy against going into the very bank hed seen in his nightmare. The bank was being robbed that very instant and everyone in the lobby was gunned down by the robbers. The man had connections and got him a green card). Jack works at the Crows Nest, washing dishes.
If you delve back further into Jacks past, way back, you find he was the person that gave rise to the story of Thomas the Rhymer. And hed tell you that story was a crock of shit. It was so twisted with time that it wasnt recognizable as to what truly happened. A brief biography of Jacks life...
The third son of a landed minor noble of the time, Jack was happy to work on the land. Until the day he fell from his horse near a pond, cracking his head on the stones. His life became sheer hell from that point his way of thinking. First off came the dreams...nightmares really. Of bad things to come. He never saw happy futures, just deaths and torture, pain and agony. Then came the Voice in his head. It constantly nagged at him for attention, making suggestions, advising, arguing with him until he actually spoke to it aloud. This of course brought unwanted attention to Jack. People in his fathers own household began to whisper behind their hands about the poor, crazy young master. Wasnt it a shame. And then the Voice began to manifest itself physically. Never when anyone else might see these instances. No. Only when Jack was alone or no one was looking. Things moved, like a chair he was about to sit in. Hed trip for no reason. Get knocked down. Especially if he didnt listen to the Voice. Finally, Jack couldnt take the veiled looks, the whispers, and left home, becoming a travelling storyteller. The Voice may have been an annoyance, but it had a large repertoire of tales to pass on to Jack.
Jack also took to the bottle. It dimmed the nightmares somewhat. He always had a flask of cheap wine or ale on his travels. And in his travels, he often crossed paths with the various fey that stepped into his world. They were much more numerous then. And bold. There were times hed hid in fear at the wail of a beansidhe, or run for his life from the Gabriel Hounds. He learned how to defend himself from them. He learned the common folks ways of dealing with them. And the Voice was a constant source of expertise on just about anything...even when it was totally clueless, it always came up with comments. Eventually, Jacks luck with the Fey ran out. He crossed paths with a young human woman bearing the unborn child of one of the Fair Folk. Trying to convince her not to seek the father out-for in Jacks experience they didnt care one wit for Humankind-he ended up escorting her for her own safety. Jack isnt sure just what happened exactly, but he ended up opposing the father of the child and his relatives...and Jacks tongue was sharp. They didnt appreciate his interference, but they knew of his storytelling skill...the lesser Fey had hidden themselves and listened many a time unbeknownst to Jack, so they punished him by making him their court storyteller. The Voice insists that Jack got off light and should be thankful, but Jack is of a different mind on that count. He was kept alive, passing time differently from the mortal world and is a man truly lost in time.
Now he lives in Sanctuary, a town rife with Fey, Vampires, Ghosts...all sorts of strange and unnatural beasties....and Jack still drinks....still has visions...and still hears the Voice.