Manuel Ramirez

Writer's Name: Fox
Writer's Age:  18


Character's Name:  Manuel Ramirez

Character's Age:  42

Nature:  Human Mage

Description:  Manuel is Hispanic, as in from Mexico.  He is 
rather short at 5'4 with a very trim, toned body from doing 
hard work all his life.  His hair is raven black and his 
eyes are such a dark brown they virtually match the hair.

Personality:  Manuel is an enigmatic, humorous man who seems
to know everything. He is quick to laugh and it is very 
contagious. He's unpredictable in the way his mind works 
and both enjoys and excels at baffling people. But as a 
Gemini, Manuel has a double personality. He sometimes goes 
into a mood where he likes to be alone to contemplate things.
In times like these, he is generally very quiet and he 
doesn't say much.

Abilities and Weaknesses:  As far as weaknesses go, Manuel 
is human.  Other than that.... He has a terrible soft spot 
for spicy food.  As for his abilities, he is a knowledgeable
Wiccan mage.

History: Manuel was borne and raise in southern California. 
His family was strictly Catholic and so was quickly and 
firmly disowned when he fell in love with a young Wiccan.  
Being head over heals in love, the families decision to 
disown him hurt him but was not enough to change his mind. 
As soon as they were both 18, they were hand fasted. When 
Manuel graduated High School, he went into the academy and 
got a job as a rookie cop to support him and his new wife.  
In the years to come, they had many ups and downs but were 
generally happy. Manuel studied the wiccan religion under 
his wife and found he had a real knack and a good 
understanding of magic.  With practice, he even surpassed 
his teacher.  

But not 12 years into their marriage, Manuel's wife was 
killed in a car accident. The death of his wife and best 
friend tore him up. He was cut off from his family and 
feeling very alone when he decided, to quit his job and 
travel. He was near the bottom of his savings when he 
gravitated to Sanctuary. There he was hired as a night time 
security at the local zoo.