Montana Birkenstock
Writer's Name: Ehrich Grein
Writer's Age: 33
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Character's Name: Montana Birkenstoch
Character's Age: 19
Nature: Human
Description: 5'8" 135lbs. Red Hair, Green Eyes, attractive in the girl next
door kind of way.
History: Montana is in the process of dropping out of college. She was in
her freshman year at the University of Puget Sound (majoring in liberal
arts) when she decided that this was silly, since this would not help her
do what she has always wanted to do, be a Witch.
She has studied the occult and witchcraft for as long as she could read.
She knows more facts about the laws associated with witchcraft then
anyone not involved in the defense/prosecution or witches, or the
lobbyists and congressmen creating the laws.
Her knowledge of spells, descriptions of the magic, the history (good and
bad) and the myths and leagends associated with witchcraft is prodigious.
While she isn't one of the worlds foremost experts, she could possibly
teach a community college course in witchcraft 101.
Montana has a photographic memory if she sees, or reads anything she
can recall it. Especially if it is something she is interested in.
Before going any further, it should be mentioned that there is one thing
preventing Montana's goal of becoming a witch. As much as she would
like to be a witch, her worldview is solidly tied to logic. In the back of
her mind, as much as she would like to fight it, she believes that anything
she sees, can be explained via the scientific method. That belief in
and the scientific method precludes the true spiritual belief required to
successfully cast spells.
Back to the story, while visiting her folks in Augusta (GA) over
Thanksgiving, Montana stayed in her old room once more. Seeing her
collection of books, spell components, and other paraphenalia Montana
realized that school was not going to do the trick for her.
Once the Thanksgiving break ended, she went back to her dorm room with a
car full of clean clothes and the idea that she should hit the road to
follow her dream. While sitting in her car at the airport she pulled out
an atlas looking for destination. While sliding her finger down the east
coast she hit Augusta.
That's it she thought, "From Augusta to Augusta by way of Seattle."
Convincing her roomate to cover for her for a little while she hit the road
with the last of her spending money for the year, and the credit card dad
gave her for emergencies.
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