Player: Jp
Age: 33
Character: Rich 'Penn' Gwynn
Type: Werecoyote
Age: 19yo
Description: He's 5'6", 150", very slight, almost effeminate, he's got a unibrow problem and his ring and middle fingers are the same size. Light brown hair, which has grown thick on his body as a result of his change. He dresses in activist chic: beret, t-shirts with a variety of slogans on it, carries a battered map case with the Fur-Up logo and a variety of ribbons on it (breast cancer, AIDS, anti-PDA, etc...).
History: He was a shy boy from Sanctuary (who was a member of the band, yearbook staff, chess club, etc...) who went to Arizona to the U of AZ in Phoenix. While there he got involved with various activist organizations. It's unclear how he was bitten, he's not talking. It is clear that his grades suffered from his activities and he was expelled. He's back home, living with his family and going to UofM in Sanctuary and trying to raise Fur-Up awareness in town.
Personality: Earnest, naive and annoyingly in your face. This is a minor character that anyone can do anything with, assuming that Fur-Up fleshes out and exists.
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