Sally Morrow
Writer: Avery Schroeder Email: Age: over 21
Name: Sally Morrow Age: 19 Nature: quarter-fey (selkie)
Appearance: about 5'8" and athletic, with pale blond hair and brown eyes. She's still very much in the gawky stage and would be clumsy without her frequent sports participation. As it is, she pretty much lives in jeans or sweats, and doesn't spare the time for ornamentation. History: Sally grew up in a small Vermont town, with a mother who was the child of Irish immigrants and a father who was about as "melting pot" as possible. Reasonable high school grades and an insistence on going to school out of state got her to the University of Maine on a partial athletic scholarship, and she has just started her freshman year. While on Thanksgiving break, she received a package from her Irish grandfather, containing an inheritance from her recently-deceased grandmother. Within the package was a sealskin and a letter explaining her grandmother's Fey origins. Sally has no idea what to do about either of them. Abilities: Can shapeshift into a seal with the aid of the sealskin she inherited from her grandmother. She has a trace of unconscious glamour that makes her approachable and likable, and may have an aptitude for minor Fey magic, but she isn't likely to seek out training.
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