
player name: Quicksilver


Age:  18

Character:  Silvana

Age: Around 4000

Nature: Unknown/hybred

Special Powers: Hypnotic voice, strength, minor magics, blood

Weaknesses: Sunlight (and sun worship), passage of time, and memory gaps

Appearence: Extremely petite and slender,Silvana is attractive in an odd way. Her features are somewhat exotic. She has silvery hair (a wierdshade of blonde) and silvery gray eyes. She is no beauty queen (and knows it), but is willing to make the most of what she has, when she's paying attention. She also has a problem with keeping up with current fashion- not that it matters. Her old-style clothes just seem to fit her.

Personality: Silvana is somewhat charming and very quirky. She is easily confused by the passage of time and it annoys her that that's the truth. Silvana is tempermental and always three steps ahead of herself- her intelligence is her downfall. She believes herself to be a true immortal (i.e., there is no way she can be killed) but hates pain. She will not take a bullet to save anyone's life, even though it wouldn't hurt her much. Silvana is devious and unable to leave things alone. She meddles in everything.

History:  Silvana was born around the year 1500 BC on th isle of Crete. Silvana is a hybred. She is a combination of a lot of different nasties. Her grandfather was a natural lycanthrop (perhaps a naga) and her grandmother was fey (other side). Rumor has it her family tree also contains vampire and strong witchblood. She was bred for a purpose- to have the best powers of all things evil. Rejecting this course (due to her hatred of being manipulated), Silvana spent a few hundred years roaming the world. Eventually, around 100 BC, she came into the church of LUNA- Goddess of the moon.

Becoming a Preistess allowed her to gain many powers (hence all the strength of her blood (combined with her heritage). She is a creature of Luna's, and thus her afinity to vampires (who she consider's Luna's TRUE CHILDREN) and her dislike of direct sunlight. The way to slow her down is to chop her up and bury the pieces in separate boxes. It's happened to her before, so she is extremely conscience of those who would do it to her again.

Her voice works by strength of will. She encourages others to release their will. The stronger the will, the more immunity.

Silvana runs a business known as VITAL KISSES, which is a front for a vamp feeding house. She is always seeking employees, especially the exotic. Her own blood is her own weakness- it is extremely powerful and gives blood cravers a "kick". She has been hunted and kept as a human slave- servant marks will not take to her. Still, she loves the creatures of the night, seeing them as her children (she believes, as a hybred, she is sterile. After 4000 years of wantonness, she's probably right.)

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